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Showing posts from May, 2020

Understanding Emotions In The Workplace

Experiencing emotions is just proof that we feel and react to the changes that happen in our day to day lives. Even though emotions are experienced in all facets of our lives, we must express them appropriately according to the environment. A workplace is a professional environment, and learning to manage emotions in the workplace is very important. And since today’s workplaces are challenging places riddled with workplace stressors like heavy workloads and crunching deadlines, learning to manage your emotions has become ever more critical. Whether you are an employee or an employer, you must channel your emotions in the right manner. Specific emotional states are more commonly experienced at work than others. They are - * Frustration- Feelings of frustration can arise from many situations such as lack of company resources, lack of job flexibility, etc. Anger- Anger is a very negative emotion that can destroy a person’s career and his/her relationships if not appropriately con...

6 Steps for Building an Inclusive Workplace

Following are 6 Steps for Building an Inclusive Workplace: 1. Educate Your Leaders 2. Form an Inclusion Council 3. Celebrate Employee Differences 4. Listen to Employees 5. Hold More-Effective Meetings 6. Communicate Goals and Measure Progress Want to know more? Visit See more related blog:

How to treat and appreciate your staff

Following are some of the tips about how to treat and appreciate your staff : 1. Allow them to make decisions and absorb the risk if it goes wrong 2. Teach them how to think, not what to think 3. Trust them on face value 4. Praise in public 5. Be approachable in troubling times and don't transfer your anxiety to your staff 6. Defend their interests in forums where they cannot defend themselves 7. Support their families 8. Help them develop professionally and personally 9. Ensure they are supported by a strong team around them, and are not left isolated and acting as a single point of failure 10. Work alongside them, not on top of them See more related blog:

7 benefits of gender diversity in the workplace

Ensuring equal representation of women in the workplace can have positive effects across your entire organization. Here are some of them. 1. A wider talent pool 2. Different perspectives 3. Enhanced collaboration 4. Improved staff retention 5. A better reflection of your customers Having women on the board of a company boosts productivity. Know more... See more related blog: